We believe that building relationships through honest communication and providing outstanding service is as important as the projects we construct. Building for life means our construction is enacted with purpose, quality and durability. We create in order to serve people and construct to enhance life, while maintaining long-term relationships with our customers, sub-contractors and employees. And when your project is complete, we will be standing next to you, helping you plan for your future. Our reputation in the industry is based upon the dedication, excellence and professionalism of our highly skilled team and we invite you to learn about us and our breathtaking facilities.


Contemporary House Plans. The common characteristic of this style includes simple, clean lines with large windows devoid of decorative trim. The exteriors are a mixture of siding, stucco, stone, brick and wood.



The traditional style is one of the most popular styles used to decorate homes. It incorporates design elements from a variety of centuries, which allows homeowners to feel comfortable and elegant at the same time. The traditional style features warm, rich colors that are very inviting.



The theme of energy saving seems to be quite popular nowadays, but there are many serious reasons for thinking about it. With regards to the environmental aspect it is known that traditional energy sources are not unlimited. It is important to reduce the dependence on mineral resources and look for possibilities to replace them effectively with renewable alternatives and to decrease energy consumption. There is a big potential in the building sector to reduce energy consumption representing a significant amount of global energy use.

An Eco house is built in such a way that reduces energy consumption and waste. Eco Homes reduces the buildings negative impact on human health and the environment, through better design, construction, siting, operation and maintenance. Eco-Friendly Homes can reduce energy consumption through energy efficient lighting, air conditioning systems, motors, pumps, minimizes carbon footprints or the emission of greenhouse gases and doesn’t lead to a lot of toxicity and pollution.

Health and well-being of occupants is the most important aspect of Eco-friendly Homes.It also minimise the indoor air pollutants.Eco friendly construction cannot only help to create a better outdoor environment, it can also help to build healthier indoor environment.



Foam Concrete is also Known as “Cellular light weight concrete”, “CLC”, “Foamed cement”, “Light Weight Concrete” across the world with its greater advantages from 5 years. The basic foam concrete is made from mixing aqueeous foam which is produced from generators (IFG) into Slurry of Cement, fly ash OR sand, water and other additives in a precise mixing in foam concrete mixer(IFM) for accurate mixing without disturbing its original chemical and physical properties.



Interlock bricks are compressed soil bricks used in the construction of residential as well as commercial buildings.These are made of mud pressed under high density,with added chemicals to increase the bonding strength.Interlock bricks are not baked as normal bricks

As the name suggests,interlocking bricks are locked to one another.No cement or sand is used in bonding,making the construction cost effective as well as time saving compared to conventional brick construction.

Another advantage of using interlocking bricks over normal baked bricks is its heat absorbing property,which makes the building much cooler and comfortable,hence reducing electricity consumption to a great extent.Above all interlocking bricks can be retrieved and reused without damage when the house is dismantled in future.

The nature blending property and decreased cement and energy consumption brings interlock houses into the class of Eco-friendly houses.



Building your home yourself lets you choose all the design elements, from the ground up. A small budget makes building a home more challenging, but not impossible. A little creativity goes a long way, but you may have to scale back some of your more extravagant dream home desires. You’ll need to decide where you’re willing to compromise and where you aren’t. Careful budgeting is also a must. Knowing exactly the amount of money you have to work with helps you plan out the building project and stay on track with the spending.